Making Sauerkraut - with Probi Mage Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v, Part 1
So, we had a travel pack of probiotics lying around. There's a Swedish company, Probi, that have made these capsules, marketed under the name Probi Mage. The probiotic in question is a bacteria, Lacobacillus Plantarum 299v, Lp299v, that can pass the stomach acid and ensure you have a healthy digestive system. So why not use these Lp299v as a starter for sauerkraut? Instead of paying $$$ to Probi, I can generate billions of these critters whilst making some nice food. The recipe I based my work on was this one: My procedure was as follows: Dismantle a huge head of cabbage (2,5 kg) julienne-style, add some 3 tablespoons of salt and 3 shredded carrots, a spoonful or two of caraway seeds, half a capsule of Probi Mage. Put in container (I used one made from stainless). Cover with a water filled plastic bag (food graded ditto) and wait. Let fermentation begin in room temperature. Will be interesting to...